Five Myths You Should Never Believe About Title Loans

When it is about getting quick cash, people might make you keep your mind engaged with many thoughts which may not be true. Car Title Loans California has come forward to clear out all the misconceptions that are spread about title loans in Orlando. Look out for the truth and false in these statements made by people around you.

Myth Vs Facts About Auto Title loans

#Myth1- You will have to give up your car to get the title loan.

Not true. When you wish to get the Nearest Title Loan all you need to give is your car title. Whatever documents you submit will work as proof of legal ownership. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot drive your car anymore. You can keep on driving your car until you pay off your loan.

#Myth 2- All the companies charge the same fees for title loans.

This is absolutely a false conception. Different lenders from different title loan companies charge different amounts depending on their business model, the value of the car, and several factors. To get the best rates on car title loans you can connect with auto title loans in Orlando 

#Myth 3 – Car title loans have prepayment penalties

Usually, reputable Auto Title Loans in Orlando companies do not penalize you a fee for paying your loan early. But some companies do. Therefore it is the most important reason why you should work with reputable lenders, and do your research – asking about prepayment penalties before you proceed with any kind of loan paperwork. If it is not done, they may unnecessarily charge you the fee.

#Myth-4 Car Title Loans are highly Expensive

Though car title loans have higher interest rates than other types of bank loans, they are not as expensive as you think. When compared to title loans payday loans can be much more expensive. The interest rates may be twice high as car title loans. However, car title loans can be the most expensive way to borrow money if it is not from a reputable company. So, it is very important to do your research find the nearest auto title loans, and look out for other options, to compare if the car title loan is right for you.

#Myth-5 You cannot afford a car title loan with a bad credit score.

Car title loan companies never ask about your credit score. All the things they ask you are your car title with your name, valid ID, and some proof of income showing your ability to repay your loan. Undoubtedly, you can get cash in emergencies if you have bad credit or almost no credit. 


The misconceptions may scare you from proceeding with an auto title loan. Moreover, you should be careful about selecting a reputable company. Do your research and look for the best rates that a title loan company can provide you. If you are looking for an auto title loan in Orlando then you can connect with CTLC company to find the best options for you.

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